Hey everyone!
So this is how i'm going to start this off.
I will be showing everyone my whole makeup collection!!
Now it is pretty huge, so don't be rude, or think i'm braging. I'm 24 years old. And I bought it all! This took me a little under 2 years to collect this much.
I have a queen size bed, and as you can see it takes up almost the whole thing! It is INSANE!! that I have this much makeup! But I love it. I love everything that I have. I love that I have so many options to choose from! Not to mention my sister loves it too, she can borrow anything. Just as long as she puts it back!
Yay! I love your videos, good job on the blog.. about time , lol.
This is great Linzi!! I love the background and how it looks so frilly and feminine!! It definitely works with your subject as makeup is a girls best friend. I'm excited for what you're going to do with this blog...your makeup horizons are so much bigger now!! :)
Thanks Everyone!! Thanks Lacey!!! You're so Sweet.. Now makeup is my bestfriend.. sorta!! You're MY BESTFRIEND!!!
hi linzi! i'm following you now. hehehe... i'm one of your subscribers from Youtube. please come and visit my blog. its http://fantasticcosmetics.blogspot.com. come follow me there.
HOLY. SHIT. LOL That is all. :) You win the 'make-up collecting' contest!!
I almost had a heart attack when I saw all this! Wow, you have quite a bit. Nice collection, you have some great items! :D
Wow quite the collection im impressed! But you say you have been collecting it for two years, alot of makeup meets expiration date before that! (not being trying to be rude ;.;)
I know makeup has an expiration date, Just because it is in my collection doesn't mean I use it. Eyeshadow palettes are what I started collecting really and they don't expire. But thank you for your comment!
Hey Linzi!!
Did you know that this picture of yours became quite famous on Facebook this week?? People all over were talking about it... Anyway, I used it as my inspiration to make my own photo like it!
I've just discovered you're the owner of the credits, so... As I used it in my post I can put the credits or take it off, if you prefer so...
Anyway, here's the link to it: http://linafigueiredo.blogspot.com/2012/01/minha-colecao-de-maquiagem.html
I love it! My collection I'd similar but my palettes are from tmart.com the pigments are brighter & the prices are cheaper.
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